Rotary Club of the Weald of Kent - 31st North Downs Walk 2016
11th February 2016
Rotary Club of the Weald of Kent – 31st North Downs Walk 2016
Rotary Walk registration OPEN; Join the 500 club
Yes I know it is only early February but in response to a number of enquiries from keen walkers, REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the Weald of Kent Rotary Club North Downs Charity Walk in aid of Cancer Research UK.
Last year we not only presented a cheque for a massive £14,000 to Cancer Research UK but we also raised in total £18,750 for the various good causes bringing our overall total of monies raised to date to £480,000.
PLEASE help us to break through the £500,000 barrier this year! If we can convince an additional 80 of you to walk we will also hit the magical 500 walker marker. What an achievement to feel part of!
Why not invite your friends and family to join you and spread the word? You can even bring your dogs along!
You can choose between the 3, 6 and 9 mile walks, all fully marshalled, with regular checkpoints and refreshment stops against the backdrop of the beautiful North Downs. At the end you receive your well-earned complimentary ploughman's and strawberries as well as the sound of the local jazz band.
What more could you want, a great day out, you will be helping Cancer Research UK as well as your own chosen charity or cause and helping set an amazing record.
Duncan Payne, Walk Chairman
DONT FORGET YOU CAN KEEP 50% of all your sponsorship for your own cause
See you there (Harrietsham Village Hall)
On 19 June 2016
For more information visit our website:
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Duedesiva - 25th June 2021 at 4:54pm